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Lola Setter

In 2019 , ColossoVision provided LED screens for the NHL playoffs. A year, and a current pandemic later, things have changed. This year, ColossoVision was blessed with the invitation to provide screens for Easter Celebrations at Bridge Church. Parishioners watched the live event taking place on stage, and on the two Mobile C10 screens in the overflow areas. Video production and the FM transmission for audio was provided by the the Bridge Church team who did a great job!

All safety precautions were taken and were approved by Alberta Health Services, the Government of Alberta, and the City of Fort Saskatchewan!.

A tremendous " Thank You" and our sincerest respect for the team at Bridge Church who put this all together while complying to very detailed safety requirements.

Drive-In gathering concepts can be applied to Outdoor Movies , Grads, and other similar events.

Courtesy of Global Edmonton Drive in church service
Courtesy of Global Edmonton - Click on image for the news coverage


Event was approved by Alberta Health Services, the Government of Alberta, and the City of Fort Saskatchewan!

Drone Video Courtesy of Pastor Ryan Pedde


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